



a)       Write answers in your own words and avoid copying from the textbooks.

b)       Only hand written assignments shall be accepted.


 1. Which coordinate system uses two

angles and one distance?

a. World

b. Spherical

c. Local

d. Cylindrical


2. Which coordinate system uses two

distances and one angle?

a. World

b. Spherical

c. Local

d. Cylindrical


3. If you are going to create a tangent

arc between two arcs that cannot

intersect, to find the center of the

tangent arc you must set your

compass to a radius that is:

a. the existing arc radius minus the

tangent arc radius

b. centered at the tangent point of the

new arc and the existing arc

c. the existing arc radius plus the

tangent arc radius

d. the sum of the two existing arc radii


4. ________ do not define a plane.

a. Two parallel lines

b. Three points

c. Two skew lines

d. A line and a point


5. What type of curve is created by the

intersection of a plane parallel to the

side of a cone?

a. Parabola

b. Hyperbola

c. Ellipse

d. Roulette


6. What type of curve is created by the

intersection of a plane with a cone

which makes an angle with the axis

greater than the angle between the

side of the cone and the axis?

a. Parabola

b. Hyperbola

c. Ellipse

d. Roulette


7. A(n) ________ is created by the

motion of a point on a circle as the

circle rolled along a straight line

a. Epicycloids

b. Hyperbola

c. Cycloid

d. Spiral


8. When making a 'pipe' with a ruled

surface, the _________ determines

whether the pipe is straight or curved.

a. Generator

b. Generatrix

c. cutting plane

d. directrix


9. The path that a generatrix follows is

called the:

a. Parabola

b. b-spline

c. ruler

d. directrix


10.Another name for a cube is a

a. hexahedron.

b. tetrahedron.

c. isocohedron.

d. octahedron.

 11.A(n) ________ cone has two planar

surfaces parallel to each other

a. Truncated

b. Frustrum

c. Right

d. Oblique

 12. The selection of the front view in

executing a multiview drawing of an

object is dependent upon the

following factors:

a. size and shape of the object and their

relationship to all views

b. the number of principal views required

and the related auxiliary views needed

to describe

the object.

c. the greatest contour shape, the related

dashed lines, and the position of use.

d. the size of the object, size of the

paper, position of use, and least

number of hidden lines


13.All of the following statements about

multiview drawings are true, except:

a. each view is a 3-D pictorial image

b. based on orthographic projection

c. at least two views of the object

d. views are defined by planes of



14.Which type of projection does not

have the projection rays parallel to

each other?

a. axonometric projection

b. oblique projection

c. orthographic projection

d. perspective projection


15.Which is not a principal view?

a. Bottom

b. left side

c. auxiliary

d. front


16.Principle planes will appear as:

a. normal planes or edges

b. oblique planes or edges

c. normal planes or oblique planes

d. skewed planes or edges


17.In orthographic projection, visual rays

or lines of sight for a given view are

_____________ to each other.

a. Perpendicular

b. Oblique

c. Normal

d. Parallel


18.What two types of projections give a

pictorial view of the object without


a. orthographic and perspective

b. oblique and axonometric

c. perspective and oblique

d. isometric and orthographic


19.Inclined planes in a three-view

drawing will appear as:

a. two surfaces and one edge

b. two edges and one surface

c. three edges

d. foreshortened in each view


20.Normal planes in a three-view

drawing will appear as:

a. one surface and two edges

b. three surfaces

c. one edge and two surfaces

d. three edges


21.A viewing direction which is

perpendicular to the surface in

question gives a ____________ view.

a. inclined

b. normal

c. oblique

d. perspective


22.A viewing direction which is parallel to

the surface in question gives a(n)

____________ view.

a. inclined

b. normal

c. edge

d. perspective


23.When a surface of an object is inclined

to a plane of projection, it will appear

________ in the view.

a. foreshortened

b. in true size and shape

c. as a line

d. as a point


24.What are the three principal planes in

orthographic projection?

a. front, top, profile

b. back, top, profile

c. top, front, right side

d. frontal, horizontal, profile


25.Oblique planes in a three-view

drawing will appear as:

a. two surfaces and one edge

b. three surfaces

c. two edges and one surface

d. three edges


26.The top view of an object should

typically be drawn:

a. to the right of the front view.

b. anywhere on the same page.

c. directly above the front view.

d. on a separate piece of paper.


27.A horizontal surface of a multiview

drawing will appear as a(n)

___________ in the front view.

a. Edge

b. normal surface

c. point

d. foreshortened surface


28.Which view is usually developed first,

contains the least amount of hidden

lines, and shows the most contours in

multiview drawings?

a. right side

b. top

c. back

d. front


29.The selection of the front view in

executing a multiview drawing of an

object is dependent upon the

following factors:

a. size and shape of the object and their

relationship to all views.

b. the number of principal views required

and the related auxiliary views needed

to describe the object.

c. the greatest contour shape, the related

dashed lines, and the position of use.

d. the size of the object, size of the

paper, position of use, and least

number of hidden lines.


30.All of the following statements about

multiview drawings are true, except:

a. each view is a 3-D pictorial image

b. based on orthographic projection

c. at least two views of the object

d. views are defined by planes of



31.Which type of projection does not

have the projection rays parallel to

each other?

a. axonometric projection

b. oblique projection

c. orthographic projection

d. perspective projection


32.Which in not a principal view ?

a. Bottom

b. Left side

c. Auxiliary

d. Front


33.Principles planes will appear as :

a. Normal planes or edges

b. oblique planes or edges

c. normal planes or oblique planes

d. skewed planes or edges


34.In orthographic projection, visual rays

or lines of sight for a given view are

_____________ to each other.

a. Perpendicular

b. Oblique

c. Normal

d. Parallel


35.What two types of projections give a

pictorial view of the object without


a. orthographic and perspective

b. oblique and axonometric

c. perspective and oblique

d. isometric and orthographic


36.Inclined planes in a three-view

drawing will appear as:

a. two surfaces and one edge

b. two edges and one surface

c. three edges

d. foreshortened in each view


37.Oblique planes in a three-view

drawing will appear as:

a. two surfaces and one edge

b. two edges and one surface

c. three edges

d. three surfaces


38.Normal planes in a three-view

drawing will appear as:

a. one surface and two edges

b. three surfaces

c. one edge and two surfaces

d. three edges


39.A viewing direction which is

perpendicular to the surface in

question gives a(n) ____________


a. inclined

b. normal

c. oblique

d. perspective


40.A viewing direction which is parallel to

the surface in question gives a(n)

____________ view.

a. inclined

b. normal

c. edge

d. perspective


41.When a surface of an object is inclined

to a plane of projection, it will appear

_________________ in the view.

a. foreshortened

b. in true size and shape

c. as a line

d. as a point


42.What are the three principle planes in

orthographic projection?

a. front, top, profile

b. back, top, profile

c. top, front, right side

d. frontal, horizontal, profile


43.The top view of an object should

typically be drawn:

a. to the right of the front view.

b. anywhere on the same page.

c. directly above the front view.

d. on a separate piece of paper


44.A horizontal surface of a multiview

drawing will appear as a(n)

___________ in the front view.

a. edge

b. normal surface

c. point

d. foreshortened surface


45.Which view is usually developed first,

contains the least amount of hidden

lines, and shows the most contours in

multiview drawings?

a. right side

b. top

c. back

d. front


46.A sphere can be described in how

many views?

a. 4

b. 3

c. 2

d. 1


47.An asymmetric object is usually

described by how many views?

a. 6

b. 3

c. 4

d. 2


48.An axially symmetric object, such as

one turned on a lathe, normally can be

shown in _________ view(s).

a. One

b. Two

c. Three

d. Four


49.In orthographic projection, visual rays

are __________ to the projection


a. parallel

b. adjacent

c. perpendicular

d. tangent


50. The top and right side views have

what common dimension(s)?

a. height and width

b. width and depth

c. height

d. depth


51.For orthographic projection, the

engineering custom in the United

States dictates the use of:

a. first-angle projection

b. second-angle projection

c. third-angle projection

d. fourth-angle projection


52.For orthographic projection, the

engineering custom in Europe dictates

the use of:

a. first-angle projection

b. second-angle projection

c. third-angle projection

d. fourth-angle projection


53.The sequence for the direction of view

(or line of sight) for any orthographic

projection as utilized in the United

States is:

a. eye of observer>projection


b. eye of observer>object>projection


c. projection plane>object>eye of


d. projection plane>eye of



54.Depending on its relationship to the

projection plane on which the view is

projected, a line may project

a. true length

b. foreshortened

c. as a point

d. all of the above


55.If a surface on an object is parallel to

one of the principal planes of

projection, then the angular

relationship of that surface to at least

two other principal projection planes


a. parallel

b. perpendicular

c. inclined

d. unknown


56.Good practice dictates that the

characteristic contour shape of the

object be shown in what view?

a. top

b. front

c. right side

d. any side


57.The height, width, and depth of an

object can be shown with a minimum

of how many orthographic projection


a. six

b. three

c. two

d. four


58.Which of the following pairs of

orthographic views both show the

height dimension?

a. left side and front

b. top and front

c. top and rear

d. bottom and right sid


59.If a client of yours is having difficulty

visualizing a design, what type of

drawing would be the easiest to


a. axonometric

b. three-view orthographic

c. one-view orthographic

d. biometric


60.Which of the following is not a

pictorial drawing?

a. isometric

b. multiview

c. perspective

d. axonometric


61.Which of the following projection

methods does not use projectors

perpendicular to the projection plane?

a. isometric

b. orthographic

c. oblique

d. axonometric


62.A circle will appear on an isometric

drawing as a(n) __________ .

a. ellipse

b. cycloid

c. circle

d. parabola


63.An axonometric drawing which has

two axes divided by equal angles is:

a. dimetric

b. trimetric

c. orthographic

d. isometric


64.An axonometric drawing which has all

three axes divided by equal angles is:

a. dimetric

b. trimetric

c. orthographic

d. isometric


65.In a trimetric drawing, the

relationship of the angle between

axes to each other is:

a. three are equal

b. two are equal

c. three are unequal

d. none of the above


66.In an isometric sketch of a cube:

a. the frontal face appears in its true


b. the receding axes are at 45 degrees to

the horizontal

c. all faces are equally distorted

d. only the depth distances must be



67.In isometric drawings:

a. Two axes are perpendicular

b. True measurements can be made only

along or parallel to the isometric axes

c. All faces are unequally distorted

d. None of the above


68.In an axonometric drawing, the

projection rays are drawn _________

to each other and _______ to the

plane of projection.

a. parallel.....oblique

b. oblique.....parallel

c. parallel.....perpendicular

d. parallel....parallel


69.One method of drawing an ellipse that

represents an isometric pictorial circle

is known as:

a. the box construction method

b. the coordinate construction method

c. the four-center approximation method

d. the offset construction method

 70.Non-isometric lines are located and

sketched how?

a. They are drawn parallel to the

isometric axis.

b. They are measured using the angle

from the multiview.

c. They are measured using a nonisometric


d. They are located by determining the

endpoints of the non-isometric line.


Rahul “Nitin”Gupta (BE Civil Engineering ,PMP,MBA Project Management ) is Project Director of this organization he have 8 years of experience in construction industry .He is experts in Site execution, planning , billing department ,Technical advisor .

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