
                                        Waterproofing for Toilet & Kitchen Sunken Area

(Elastomeric acrylic reinforced cementitious, composite coating system)


Table of Contents

 1                    Introduction

2                    Scope of Work

3                    Reference Documents

4                    Materials

5                    Equipment’s

6                    Personal Protective Equipment’s and Safety Equipment’s

7                    Methodology

8                    Quality Control and Assurance

9                    Responsibilities

10                Check Sheet for sunken area waterproofing

 Note: This method statement consists of total 19 pages


 This method statement enumerates the detailed sequence of waterproofing works to be executed in the sunken area of Kitchen/toilet in a planned & controlled manner by using Elastomeric acrylic reinforced cementitious composite coating with reference to the Technical Specifications, Product Specifications, applicable Standards and as specified in the approved drawings and the place where instructed by the Project In-charge of Godrej Properties Limited (GPL) as per approved specifications.

It is two-component polymer modified cementitious coating in pre-packaged form. The product is designed to be easily mixed on site using a slow speed drill fitted with a mixing paddle. and then applied to the substrate using a trowel for best results. Coating shall be applied by brush, roller or trowel.

2.0         SCOPE OF WORK

The Scope of Work includes

1.    The method statement is applicable to the waterproofing work for toilet and kitchen sunken area by using two coats of Elastomeric acrylic reinforced cementitious Cementitious composite coating system.

 2.    Surface Preparation.

 3.    Treatment to pipe penetration & cut outs in Slab / Walls’

 4.    Curing.

 5.    Protection Layer.

 6.    Quality control activities prior, during process & post waterproofing.


Ø  Contract specifications.

Ø  Relevant GFC drawings.

Ø  Manufacturer’s specifications.

Ø  Indian Standard Codes.

Ø  CPWD specifications.

4.0         MATERIALS

4.01    Elastomeric Acrylic Cementitious Waterproofing (BASF Masterseal 551/ FOSROC Nitocote CM210/ SIKA SikaTop Seal 109 hi or approved equivalent)

EWP is ready to use two components coating based on cement with carefully graded aggregates in combination with selected admixtures and synthetic resins. EWP is highly recommended to waterproof concrete. For pot life of EWP refer manufacturer data sheet.

4.02    Cement

Cement to be used in sunken area waterproofing works shall be Ordinary Portland cement (OPC-43 grade) conforming to IS: 269.

Contractor shall obtain test certificates on the physical and chemical properties of cement from the manufacturer for each batch of cement received to ensure conformity with relevant Indian Standard specifications and keep the certificates on record with a copy to GPL. In addition, with a view to cross check the manufacturers' test results, samples from first consignment of a particular brand shall be tested from GPL approved and NABL-accredited material testing laboratory. Periodic validation of the manufacturers' test results shall be carried out by testing the physical and chemical properties of cement in GPL approved and NABL-accredited lab at every six months per source.


4.03   Sand

Sand to be used in sunken area waterproofing Works shall conform to IS:383 (Zone – II). The sand shall be hard, durable, chemically inert and free from adherent coatings, organic matter and harmful impurities. The sum of the percentages of all deleterious material shall not exceed 5%. The maximum quantity of silt content in sand shall not exceed 3% by weight.


4.04   Coarse aggregate (4.75mm to 12.5mm)

Coarse aggregate to be used shall conform to IS: 383 and IS 2386. The aggregate shall be hard, durable, chemically inert and free from adherent coatings and harmful impurities.

4.05    Water

Water used for mixing of mortar and curing shall be clean and free from injurious quantities of alkalis, acids, oils, salts, sugar, organic materials, vegetable growth or other deleterious substances. Potable water is generally considered satisfactory for mixing. The Ph value of water shall not be less than 6. Water from each source shall be tested before the commencement of work and thereafter as per frequency specified in Inspection Test Plan or once in a six months for concrete works till the completion of the work. Water from approved sources only shall be used. Water shall conforms to IS-456 for RCC works.



4.06    Cementitious Non shrink grout for injection grouting (BASF Masterflow 150/ FOSROC Cebex 100/ SIKA Intraplast EP or approved equivalent)

Cementitious non shrink grout is a plasticized and non-shrink Injection / Pressure Grout specially formulated non-shrink polymeric compound for injection cement grouting. It is for addition to neat cement-water mix its strong plasticizing properties allowing the mix for substantial reduction in water content without affecting the fluidity, thus improving the strength and impermeability of the grout. During the setting period of the grout it produces controlled expansion to compensate the normal plastic shrinkage of cement. This ensures complete filling of voids and prevent formation of porous sections add Cementitious Non shrink grout to cement dosage as per manufacturer technical data sheet.



4.07  Epoxy Primer (BASF Masterseal P2525/ FOSROC Nitoprime25/ SIKA Sikadur 32LP  or approved equivalent)

Epoxy primer is solvent free low viscosity two component product based on epoxy base (resin) and reactor (hardener) to improve their adhesion to existing concrete substrate. Epoxy primer is used to bond resin coatings to concrete and other materials since it is non-tainting. Mixing Ratio, as per manufacturer’s technical data sheet. Pack A & Pack B are pre-measured quantity of Resin and Hardener and need only mixing at site.


4.08    SBR Latex (BASF Master Emaco SBR-2/ FOSROC Nitobond SBR Latex/ SIKA Latex or approved equivalent)

It is a Styrene-Butadiene co-polymer latex liquid, produced from styrene and butadiene by high pressure emulsion polymerization with high dispersive properties. When used with cement, concrete and plaster, it reduces the mixing time through high dispersion of the polymer and improves waterproofing, new to old concrete/plaster bonding and strength characteristics and reduces shrinkage and cracking of the mix.


4.09    Micro Concrete (BASF MasterEmaco S 346 / FOSROC Renderoc RG/ SIKA SikaRep Microrete 4 or approved equivalent)

It is a shrinkage compensated, flowable micro concrete for concrete repairs and filling area around pipe penetration. Micro concrete is a pourable mortar is a dual shrinkage compensated, high flow, and high strength formulation for structural concrete repairs. It is suitable for placing in thicknesses/ gap of 25mm to 200 mm.

Micro-concrete is a ready to use dry powder which requires only addition of clean water at site to produce a free flowing non shrink repair micro concrete. It is composed of good quality cement, properly selected aggregates & additives. It is used & designed for repairing of damaged reinforced concrete elements like columns, beams & structure where the areas are restricted or not easily accessible for proper placement of concrete using vibrator. Micro Concrete has excellent flowability, workability & proper particle size to reach small & congested reinforcement.


For repair of sections generally wider and deeper than 100mm it may be necessary to mix the micro-concrete with properly graded 5mm to 12mm silt-free coarse aggregate to minimize temperature rise. The quantity of aggregate required may vary depending on the nature and configuration of the repair location (generally it is 50% by weight of micro-concrete). Where the addition of graded coarse aggregate is required it should be added after the water and micro-concrete are properly mixed. Mixing should then continue for a further at least 1 minute to ensure proper dispersion.



4.10    Non-shrink, shrinkage compensating cementitious grout (BASF Masterflow 718/ FOSROC Conbextra GP2/ SIKA Sikagrout 214 or approved equivalent)


An expanding non-ferrous grout, consisting of a dry pre-mixed blend of special grade cement, siliceous aggregate with set regulating and reactive chemical compounds in powder form. Only water needs to be added. It contains no Calcium Chloride.


Contractor shall obtain test certificates from the manufacturer for each batch of material received to ensure conformity with relevant Standard specifications and keep the certificates on record.


4.11    Integral Water proofing compound (BASF MasterPel 777/ FOSROC Conplast WL/ SIKA Plastocrete Plus or approved equivalent)

Integral Water Proofing compound is Liquid Waterproofing and Plasticizing Admixture, integral waterproofing compound to be used in cement slurry /mortar in proportion as per manufacturer technical data sheet. Integral water proofing compound shall conform to IS: 2645 and shall be tested before commencement of work and thereafter as and when required by GPL project In-charge or once in a six month. Dosage of Integral waterproofing compound 100ml per bag of cement or shall be as per maximum quantity specified in their technical data sheet.

Contractor shall obtain test certificates from the manufacturer for each batch of material received to ensure conformity with relevant Standard specifications and keep the certificates on record.


4.12    Epoxy Putty/ mortar (BASF Masterbrace ADH 2200 or Masterflow 410/   FOSROC Nitomortar S/ SIKA Sikaguard 694 F(I) or approved equivalent)

Epoxy Putty is solvent free, fast curing three component system made of resin, hardener and special filler (Graded Silica Sand). It is a non-shrink epoxy based repair material. Ensure that concrete should be at least 28 days old. Mix Comp A, B & C in the ratio as per manufacturer data sheet (depending on area of application % of silica sand can be reduced after approval of GPL project Incharge). The system is insensitive to the presence of moisture, thus allowing application on damp concrete surfaces. The cured resin possesses high mechanical strength, excellent adhesion, non-shrinking properties and a chemical resistance typical of all epoxy resin.

5.0       EQUIPMENTS

i.              Electric Air Blower

ii.            Pressure Grout Pump

iii.           Electric Stirrer

iv.           Weigh balance

v.            Wire Brush

vi.           Measuring Jar

vii.          Paint Brush

viii.         As mentioned in the manufacturers specification and procedure agreed with the specialized agency.

ix.           Other Small Tools as per Requirements for convenience.

6.0      Personal Protective Equipment and Safety Equipment

i.              Helmets specified for designated personnel

ii.            Gloves for manual work.

iii.           Safety footwear

iv.           Use goggles and nose mask during application.

v.            Safety Barricades, Caution tape, etc.

vi.           Clean hands with warm water after application.

vii.         Other Safety Arrangements – As per Site Specific Safety Plan and MSDS of waterproofing chemical manufacturer.




7.1 Surface Preparation.

1.    All the chasings or cuttings in the floor and walls for sanitary, electrical and other services shall be carried out prior to the commencement of waterproofing treatment.


2.    All surfaces must be cleaned with compressed air and soft / wire brushes, free of loose materials, oils, form release agents and other contaminants.


3.    All surface imperfections, construction joints, cracks, protrusions, structurally unsound and loose concrete must be removed / repaired with SBR Latex modified cementitious mortar, comprising of SBR Latex, Cement and river sand in the ratio of 1:5.15 PBW (proportion by weight) and water content usually equal to SBR latex depending on required consistency of mortar.


4.    Treatment to Construction joint and Junctions/ cracks, chasing and opening the construction joints to form a “U” shaped groove of approx.20mm width and 20 mm depth. Apply cement slurry admixed with SBR latex as a primer coat prior to seal Joints/ cracks. Sealing the construction joints/ cracks by using SBR Latex modified cementitious mortar, comprising of SBR Latex, Cement and river sand in the ratio of 1:5.15 PBW (proportion by weight) and water content usually equal to SBR latex depending on required consistency of mortar .


5.    Followed by making 35mm x 35mm corner fillets at the junctions of floor and walls by using polymer modified cementitious mortar, comprising of SBR Latex, Cement and river sand in the ratio of 1:5.15 PBW (proportion by weight) and water content usually equal to SBR latex depending on required consistency of mortar.


6.    Filling of Tie rod holes: Completely remove PVC sleeves if any, increase the dia  of hole by surface breaking 50mm x 50mm followed by filling and compaction with SBR Latex, Cement and river sand in the ratio of 1:5.15 PBW (proportion by weight) and water content usually equal to SBR latex depending on required consistency of mortar.


7.    It is mandatory that all works of plumbing and sanitation must be complete before taking up application of any chemical coating. Treatment to pipe within the Waterproofing area from internal side.



8.    PIPE PENETRATION TREATMENT: On PVC Pipe, apply a coat of epoxy primer coat on the specified length on core/ bore hole this is to provide the mechanical key for better adhesion, sand sprinkle over the pipe area whilst the primer coat is still tacky. After the complete curing of primer application, fill the core area with prepacked non-shrink cementitious , free flow, high strength grout material for width upto 25mm or use microconcrete for width more than 25mm to seal the annular gap around pipe periphery and core cut in the slab/ wall as follows;

                          Ø  Damp the core surface and allow it to achieve the SSD condition.  

Ø  Pour the prepared grout/ micro concrete in the core area upto the concrete surface and a 15mm x 15mm groove to be formed at junction of pipe and micro concrete; Sealing junction of pipe and micro concrete with epoxy mortar/ putty. MIXING RATIO for Component A, Component B and Component C of epoxy putty are as per manufacturer’s technical data sheet. For sections generally wider than 100 mm it may be necessary to mix the micro concrete with properly graded 4.75 mm to 12.5 mm coarse aggregate to minimize temperature rise. The quantity of aggregate required may vary depending on the nature and configuration of the repair location generally micro concrete:coarse aggregate in a proportion of 2:1 (refer manufacturer technical data sheet for exact proportions and required flow) .


9.    Brick/ Block masonry wall surface shall be prepared by joint filling, racking of joints and plastering with 6mm thick plaster admixed with integral water proofing compound in a proportion of 1:4 (one part cement & four part coarse sand) application up to height of 300mm above finished floor level.


10. Pre-Pond Test: Treatment area unit will be subjected to water ponding test for the floor for 24hrs. The entire floor should be flooded to 100mm of water / atleast 50mm above the top of corner fillet (junction of Horizontal & vertical surface).


11. PMC/ GPL team will verify whether there are any leakages at the immediate unit below the ponded unit. Leakage observation if any from Outside/ Bottom Surface of structure shall be checked and marked. Leakages/Seepages found from construction joints, junctions and core cut locations which are in waterproofing contractors scope shall be treated by contractor. In case of leakages/seepages from cracks or other defects in the structure are found, such points shall be highlighted to main civil contractor for treatment as part of main civil contractor scope of work. The leakage arresting process as below.

                 12. Leakage points (if any) shall be pressure grouted with cement slurry admixed with non shrink grout powder to full saturation using grout pump by using 15mm dia. GI/PVC nozzles of minimum 50mm deep in slab placed and fixed. Injecting cement slurries of different viscosities under pressure by pump (pressure should be 2.5 kg/cm2 maximum) using non shrink grout mixed with neat cement slurry in proportion as recommended by manufacturer and remove and sealing off nozzles after the injection operation with SBR Latex modified mortar. If leakages still persists the area shall be injection grouted with Vinyl Ester Methacrylate resin of BASF Masterseal 901 or approved equivalent.  

7     2  Application of Elastomeric cementitious composite coating

 Application on slab area(Horizontal area including corner fillet and vertical surface 300mm above finishedfloor level.

7.2.1    All concrete surfaces shall be thoroughly pre-wetted for at least one hour prior to the application of cementitious elastomeric coating by pouring water on flat surface or by vigorously spraying water on vertical surfaces. When placing cementitious elastomeric coating, water should be removed so that surface is only damp. In no case there should be standing water or a shiny wet surface.

7.2.2    cementitious elastomeric Acrylic shall be mixed in a clean container as it is supplied in pre-measured units and should be mixed on site utilizing clean containers. Slowly add the powder to the liquid and mix, using a slow speed drill fitted with a suitable paddle.  Mix until a homogeneous lump free consistency is obtained. Leave the mixed material to stand for 5 minutes to allow for full saturation to take place. Remix to restore the consistency. Do not mix more material than can be used in half an hour. DO NOT RE-TEMPER WITH WATER.


7.2.3    Always apply cementitious elastomeric Acrylic slurry coating to pre-dampened surface Application of first coat of cementitious elastomeric Acrylic slurry coating on the sunken floor over rendered surface; turned up and finished upto 300mm above finished floor level.

Ø  First Coat: Brush the mix firmly onto the pre dampened, prepared surface. Care must be taken not to spread the material too thinly. When the material begins to drag or “ball”, do not add more liquid/water but dampen the surface again.



Ø  Second Coat: Allow at least overnight to cure before applying subsequent coats. Dampen the first coat and remove excess moisture. Brush or broom the mix onto the surface (as above) finishing in the opposite direction to the first coat.

7.2.4    After complete curing for 3 days, the sunken area shall be filled with water, for 3 days to test water tightness.


Post-Pond Test: Water ponding area shall be cleaned properly closing of outlet points. Water filling up to 50mm above top of corner fillet for 72hrs. Leakage observation if any from outside/bottom Surface of structure shall be checked and marked. Dewatering of water from structure. All such leaking points shall be grouted with Vinyl Ester Methacrylate resin of BASF Masterseal 901 or approved equivalent. Post repairing retesting to be re done for seepages and leakages.


7.2.5    Protect coating by application of 12mm thick protective plaster in a proportion of 1:4 (1 part cement : 4 part coarse sand) by mixing an integral waterproofing compound to mortar in proportion as per manufacturer specification over horizontal surface and vertical surface. In-case vertical surface is masonry (Bricks / AAC blocks) protect PMC slurry coating by application of 6mm thick protective plaster in a proportion specified above. Plastered surface shall be cured for minimum seven days.


7.2.6    Test MEP pipes for leakages after success of leakage test haunching to be done by MEP contractor over the laid pipes with Concrete mix and thickness as specified in BOQ of MEP contractor.



Ø  In addition to providing step-by-step procedures for Contractors, this Method statement is also meant to provide Quality Control and Quality Assurance with the knowledge needed to ensure that appropriate procedure is implemented.


Ø  Proper attention to implementation of each step in the water proofing process is critical to successful application. The first step is ensuring that the contractor is using approved materials. Correct proportioning and mixing is also critical. A common mistake is for Contractors to “eyeball” or guess at proper proportions when using multi-part mixes. GPL/ PMC Project Engineer should verify that contractors are measuring, all individual components prior to mixing, either by volume or weight.

Ø  All the material used for water proofing shall be checked prior to the commencement of work.


Ø  Net consumption of material in entire coats should be checked as per manufacturer recommendations and recorded in the form of register.


Ø  cementitious elastomeric Acrylic slurry coating to be applied within its Pot life generally 30 minutes at 30 degree Celsius, refer manufacture data sheet for exact value.


Ø  Inspection to done before each stage and documented in the form of register.


Ø  Checklist report shall be maintained as record.


Ø  Record for receipt and consumption of cement and water proofing material shall be maintained at site.


Ø  After complete curing, the sunken area shall be filled with water, for 3 days to test water tightness. Fill water minimum 50mm above top of corner fillet.


Ø  All coats should be applied at right angle to the previous one this way second coat will cover any blemishes (if any) of the previous coat.




PROJECT INCHARGE – Shall Report to Operations Head; shall be Responsible for Control, Supervision & Direction for Implementation of this Procedure.


PROJECT ENGINEER – Shall report to Site In-Charge; shall carryout the work as per the approved drawings & specifications and make sure that all the required tests & checks are done.


QUALITY ENGINEER –Shall Report to Quality In-charge; Quality Engineer shall Assist in Carrying out Field / Lab Test; shall conduct Audit / Observation of the work done and Inform Site In-charge / Site Engineer about the Non-Compliances when found in the Work Done.


9.1 Responsibility for Material Quality & Workmanship

Contractors Quality Engineer along with their Project In-charge with the use of Site / External approved material testing laboratory is responsible for ensuring the quality of material supplied /delivered at site.

Ø  It is the Contractor’s responsibility to use materials specified in this method statement and contract document.


Ø  Store materials on job site according to material manufacturer’s requirements, preventing direct exposure to sunlight and moisture.


Ø  Materials exceeding their shelf lives shall not be used.


Ø  Check materials to ensure that they are appropriate for the given application. Material should either be on preapproved lists or approved by the GPL prior to use.


Ø  Ensure that the Contractor is following the procedures outlined in this method statement.


Ø  Verify that all damaged material has been removed and that the remaining surface is clean and sound prior to the Contractor proceeding with water proofing activity.


Ø  Confirm that material performance is acceptable through testing. Sample should not exhibit leakages when tested as specified in this method statement.


Ø  Material to be applied within its Pot life, refer manufacture data sheet for exact value. Inspection to be done before each stage and documented in the form of register. Checklist report shall be maintained as record. Record for receipt and consumption of material for water proofing shall be maintained at site.


9.2 Sampling & Tests

·         The tests shall be done In accordance with referenced codes and CPWD Specifications.


·         Regular Site checks for each area of application.


·         Material testing as and when desired by GPL Project In-charge.


·         Manufacturer test certificate is required with each lot of material supplied at site.


9.3 Storage of Material

All material shall be stored as per IS: 4082 (Indian standard code of practice for stacking and storing of construction material at site) and as per manufacturers recommendations / specifications so as to prevent deterioration. If these precautions are neglected material will be rendered less effective or useless.


Sl. No.



Check By



Material received at site is inspected

Site Engineer

QC Engineer

Material Inspection Report (MIR) & Checklist


Clearance from Services

Site Engineer

Site Engineer



Injection Grout Process

Site Engineer

QC Engineer



Surface Preparation

Site Engineer

QC Engineer



Application of cementitious elastomeric Acrylic slurry coating Slurry coat

Site Engineer

QC Engineer



Sealing of pipes junction with Epoxy putty/ mortar and non shrink shrinkage compensating cemintitious grout or  micro concrete.

Site Engineer

QC Engineer



Application of Protection plaster

Site Engineer

QC Engineer



Curing done after Plastering

Site Engineer

QC Engineer



Water tightness test

Site Engineer

QC Engineer





































Sl. No.







All Inspected & Approved Brand of Material Received.

Yes / No




Clearance from Services (electrical conduits/ MEP pipes or other embedment’s).

Yes / No




Surface thoroughly cleaned of all dust, mortar dropping and other foreign materials.

Yes / No




Preparation of construction joints, tie rod hole filling, corner fillet and bore packing with micro concrete done.

Yes / No


Joints of pipes with concrete should be sealed with epoxy putty/ mortar.


Yes / No




Joint Filling & Racking upto 300mm above FFL on Brick/Block masonry Wall is done with 6mm thick plaster 1:4 (one part cement & four part coarse sand)

Yes / No


Seepage / leakage test. Area to be flooded with water for 12 hours duration and at least 50mm above corner fillet.

Yes / No




Base Surface shall be wet for at least 01 Hr.

Yes / No

Signature of Contractor

Signature of Client 








First coat of Elastomeric cementitious slurry application.

Yes / No



Second coat of Elastomeric cementitious slurry application.


Yes / No



Seepage / leakage test Area to be flooded with water for 72 hours duration and at least 50mm above top of corner fillet.

Yes / No



Application of 12mm thick protective plaster 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) by mixing an integral waterproofing compound.

Yes / No


Signature of Contractor


Signature of GPL/ PMC








Curing of protection plaster.

Yes / No





Haunching of soil and waste water surface drain pipes as per good for construction drawing.

Yes / No


Signature of Contractor


Signature of Client 











Rahul “Nitin”Gupta (BE Civil Engineering ,PMP,MBA Project Management ) is Project Director of this organization he have 8 years of experience in construction industry .He is experts in Site execution, planning , billing department ,Technical advisor .