


1) The strength and quality of concrete, depend upon:

a.grading of aggregates

b.surface area of aggregates

c.shape of aggregates

d.all the above.

2) To hydrate 500 kg of cement full water needed, is

a.100 kg

b.110 kg

c.120 kg

d.130 kg.

3) The lower water cement ratio in concrete, introduces

a.smaller creep and shrinkage

b.greater density and smaller permeability

c.improved frost resistance

d.all the above.

4) A concrete having a slump of 6.5 cm, is said to be


b.earth moist



5) The entrained air in concrete

a.increases workability

b.decreases workability

c.decreases resistance to weathering

d.increases strength.

6) The increased cohesiveness of concrete, makes it

a.less liable to segregation

b.more liable to segregation

c.more liable to bleeding

d.none of these.

7) After casting, an ordinary cement concrete on drying




d.none of these.

8) Concrete containing

a.silicious aggregates, has higher coefficient of expansion

b.igneous aggregates, has intermediate coefficient of expansion

c.lime stones, has lowest co-efficient of expansion

d.all the above.

9) The produce impermeable concrete

a.through mixing of concrete is required b.proper compaction of concrete is


c.proper curing of concrete is required

d.all the above.

10) Separation of coarse aggregates from mortar during transportation, is known





11) Separation of water or water sand cement from a freshly concrete, is known





7) After casting, an ordinary cement concrete on drying




d.none of these.

8) Concrete containing

a.silicious aggregates, has higher coefficient of expansion

b.igneous aggregates, has intermediate coefficient of expansion

c.lime stones, has lowest co-efficient of expansion

d.all the above.

9) The produce impermeable concrete

a.through mixing of concrete is required b.proper compaction of concrete is


c.proper curing of concrete is required

d.all the above.

10) Separation of coarse aggregates from mortar during transportation, is known





11) Separation of water or water sand cement from a freshly concrete, is known





20) For road pavements, the cement generally used, is

a.ordinary Portland cement

b.rapid hardening cement

c.low heat cement

d.blast furnace slag cement

21) For the construction of thin R.C.C. structures, the type of cement to be avoided, is

a.ordinary Portland cement

b.rapid hardening cement

c.low heat cement

d.blast furnace slag cement.

22) A concrete using an air entrained cement

a.has strength less than 10% to 15%

b.has more resistance to weathering

c.is more plastic and workable

d.is free from segregation and bleeding.

23) The commercial name of white and coloured cement in India, is


b.rainbow cement


d.all the above.

24) Percentage of pozzolanic material containing clay upto 80% used for the manufacture of pozzolana cement is





25) Pick up the correct statement from the following:

a.Calcium chloride acts as a retarder b.Gypsum (calcium sulphate) acts as a


c.Calcium chloride acts as an accelerator

d.both (2) and (3).

26) Vicat's apparatus is used for

a.fineness test

b.consistency test

c.setting time test

d.soundness test.

27) The diameter of the Vicat plunger is 10 mm and its length varies from

a.20 mm to 30 mm

b.30 mm to 40 mm

c.40 mm to 50 mm

d.50 mm to 60 mm.

28) Pick up the incorrect statement applicable to the field test of good cement.

a.When one thrusts one's hand into a bag of cement, one should feel warm

b.The colour of the cement is bluish c.A handful of cement thrown in to a

bucket of water should sink immediately

d.All the above.

29) According to IS : 382-1963, a good aggregate should be

a.chemically inert

b.sufficiently strong

c.hard and durable

d.all the above.

30) An aggregate is said to be flaky, if it least dimension is less than

a.2/3 mean dimension

b.3/4 mean dimension

c.3/5 mean dimension

d.5/8 mean dimension

31) Sand generally contains salt if it is obtained from:

a.nala beds

b.river beds

c.sea beds

d.all the above

32) The bulk density of aggregates does not depend upon :

a.size and shape of aggregates

b.specific gravity of aggregates

c.grading of aggregates

d.size and shape of the container.

33) The aggregate containing moisture in pores and having its surface dry, is known as

a.moist aggregates

b.very dry aggregates

c.dry aggregates

d.saturated surface dry aggregate.

34) Log Angels machine is used to test the aggregate for

a.crushing strength

b.impact value

c.abrasion resistance

d.water absorption.

35) If fineness modulus of sand is 2.5, it is graded as

a.very fine sand

b.fine sand

c.medium sand

d.coarse sand.

36) The standard sand now a days used in India, is obtained from

a.Jaipur (Rajasthan)

b.Jullundur (Punjab)

c.Hyderabad (AndhraPradesh)

d.Ennore (Madras)

37) Pozzolana cement is used with confidence for construction of


b.massive foundations


d.all the above.

38) Water cement ratio is

a.volume of water to that of cement

b.weight of water to that of cement

c.weight of concrete to that of water

d.both (1) and (2) of the above.

39) According to Water-Cement Ratio Law, the strength of workable plastic concrete

a.depends upon the amount of water used in the mix

b.does not depend upon the quality of cement mixed with aggregates

c.does not depend upon the quantity of cement mixed with aggregates

d.all the above.

40) Hydration of cement is due to chemical action of water with

a.Tricalcium silicate and dicalcium silicate b.Dicalcium silicate and tricalcium

aluminate c.Tricalcium aluminate and tricalcium

alumino ferrite

d.All the above.

41) I.S.I. specified the full strength of concrete after

a.7 days

b.14 days

c.21 days

d.28 days

42) High temperature

a.increases the strength of concrete b.decreases the strength of concrete c.has no effect on the strength of


d.none of these.

43) C.R.R.I. charts are used to obtain a relationship between strength of concrete and

a.water cement ratio


c.grading of aggregate

d.fineness modulus

44) Higher workability of concrete is required if the structure is

a.made with cement concrete

b.thick and reinforced

c.thin and heavily reinforced

d.thick and heavily reinforced.

45) Internal friction between the ingredients of concrete, is decreased by using

a.less water

b.fine aggregates

c.rich mix

d.more water and coarse aggregates.

46) Segregation is responsible for

a.honey-combed concrete

b.porous layers in concrete

c.surface scaling in concrete

d.all the above.

47) The concrete mix which causes difficulty in obtaining a smooth finish, posses


b.internal friction



48) The factor which affects workability, is

a.water content and its temperature

b.shape and size of the aggregates

c.air entraining agents

d.all the above.

49) If the slump of a concrete mix is 60 mm, its workability is

a.very low




50) Workability of concrete mix with low water cement ratio is determined by

a.tensile strength test

b.slump test

c.compaction factor test

d.flexural strength test.

51) Pick up the correct statement from the following:

a.Segregation is necessary for a workable concrete

b.Consistency does not affect the workability of concrete

c.If the concrete mix is dry, the slump is maximum

d.None of these.

52) Proper proportioning of concrete, ensures

a.desired strength and workability

b.desired durability

c.water tightness of the structure

d.all the above.

53) For preparing a test-specimen, it is necessary

a.to mix cement and fine aggregate by dry hand

b.to mix coarse aggregates c.to mix water to the cement, fine

aggregates and coarse aggregates

d.all the above.

54) If the depth of moist sand in a cylinder is 15 cm and the depth of the sand when fully inundated with water is 12 cm, the bulking of the moist sand, is





55) Ordinary concrete is not used for concrete grade

a.M 100

b.M 150

c.M 200

d.M 400.

56) If 50 kg of fine aggregates and 100 kg of coarse aggregates are mixed in a concrete whose water cement ratio is 0.6, the weight of water required for harsh mix, is

a.8 kg

b.10 kg

c.12 kg

d.14 kg

57) Shrinkage in concrete can be reduced by using

a.low water cement ratio

b.less cement in the concrete

c.proper concrete mix

d.all the above.

58) While designing an air entrained concrete

a.water cement ratio is reduced b.proportion of aggregates is reduced c.an allowance for the entrained air is


d.all the above.

59) An ideal ware house, is provided

a.water proof masonry walls b.water proof roof c.few windows which remain generally


d.all the above.

60) The specifications of a cement bag for storage, are

a.weight 50 kg

b.height 18 cm

c.plan area 3000 sq. cm

d.all the above.

61) 'Ware house pack' of cement means

a.full capacity of the ware house b.pressure exertion of the bags of upper

layers c.pressure compaction of the bags on

lower layers

d.none of these.

62) To ensure constant moisture content in aggregates

a.area of each aggregate pile should be large

b.height of each aggregate pile should not exceed 1.50 m

c.aggregate pile should be left for 24 hours before aggregates are used

d.all the above.

63) The process of proper and accurate measurement of concrete ingredients for uniformity of proportion, is known





64) Proper batching ensures




d.all the above.

65) The process of mixing , transporting, placing and compacting concrete using Ordinary Port land cement should not take more than

a.30 minutes

b.40 minutes

c.60 minutes

d.75 minutes.

66) For concreting tunnel linings, transportation of concrete is done by


b.wheel borrows



67) The process of hardening the concrete by keeping its surface moist is known





68) Curing

a.reduces the shrinkage of concrete b.preserves the properties of concrete c.prevents the loss of water by


d.all of the above.

69) Curing of pavements, floors, roofs and slabs, is done by

a.membrane method

b.ponding method

c.covering surface with bags

d.sprinkling water method.

70) Curing a concrete for long period ensures better

a.volume stability


c.water resistance

d.all of the above


Rahul “Nitin”Gupta (BE Civil Engineering ,PMP,MBA Project Management ) is Project Director of this organization he have 8 years of experience in construction industry .He is experts in Site execution, planning , billing department ,Technical advisor .

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