Project Brief -  The Client is coming up with a Greenfield manufacturing facility at RIICO Industrial area Udaipur and intends to appoint a Project Management Consultant (PMC) for the same. Total Plot Area: 200 Acres Proposed Buildup area: 8 Lakh Sqft (phase 1) that includes; Production facility (150mtr x 120mtr) Administrative block  Training centre API Block  Formulation block  Warehouse  Utility block Ancillary building DG yard, ETP/STP works Infrastructure works, etc. Scope of works: PMC shall, through its personnel, will be fully responsible for the technical soundness of the project, optimization study, review of specifications & drawing, follow up & defining of procurement needs, inspection, testing, supervision of all projects related works including commissioning. PMC team shall work on daily basis: ‐  Planning and monitoring of project schedule  Plan, Organize and execution of all construction activity  Supervise, monitor day to ...